Get Ready To Ignite Your Self-Confidence!

On October 28th, I’ll empower you to ignite your self-confidence, reshape your thoughts and behavior, strengthen the bond with yourself and pursue your most wholesome desires.

This online workshop is tailored for you if...

Beyond fake-it-till-you-make-it...
at the end of the day, when the mask comes off, who are you really fooling?

the proprietor of Chicago Life Coaching. As a seasoned professional I specialize in Life Coaching and hold advanced certification in Clinical Hypnotherapy.

Over a 10 year period and thousands of coaching hours I’ve witnessed countless individuals undergo remarkable transformations as they reshape their subconscious beliefs and tap into their true essence. A pivotal factor behind their transformation is the emergence of self-confidence.

Without this virtue even the positive attributes that make you shine get watered down. In short, you underestimate yourself and doubt your abilities.

Once you understand the nature of self-confidence, everything begins to shift in your favor.

Author, Brian Tucker

The only Self-Confidence workshop that includes:

  • The 12 Virtues for Self-Confidence
  • The Building Blocks and Framework of Self-Confidence
  • A Wholesome, Whole Person, Wholistic approach to Self-Confidence 
  • An Inside-Out Approach to Developing Self-Confidence!


Reclaimed control of my life

My assertiveness returned and I learned how to say “no” and not care because finally, I was putting myself first. I was totally clear-minded and was able to make decisions based on what I really wanted and not based on pleasing others. I was no longer indecisive about how to handle situations & nobody, not even my family controlled me. I was no longer just making it through life but I began to LIVE! G.S.

When Self-Confidence takes root and comes alive:

Self-confidence must take place on the inside in order to be seen on the outside.

Fear and low Self-Confidence will cause you to:

Self-confidence triumphs
social anxiety, fear, trauma, past errors, money, race, gender, and other life realities

What’s on the other side of your fear?

What opportunities, relationships, and happiness await you?

Let your light shine

Don’t limit yourself any longer

Why I Embarked On This Journey

me 1

I know firsthand how fear and self-doubt can hijack your talents, desires and potential.

This was my story. It was as if two versions of myself were fighting against each other while a third watched from the sidelines like a helpless bystander. Inside I knew that I was more than capable and qualified to achieve my goals, but was unable to manifest it. Does this sound familiar?

You too have potential, gifts, and desires – and the fact that you have these proves you have all the resources to attain them – otherwise, you could not have the desires and ideas you have. Your brain could not construct such ambitions if they were utterly impossible and unattainable.

And while I am still on my journey, I have learned and lived vital truths that I want to share with you so that you can reverse the cycle of living beneath your God-given ability.

As you learn the Wholistic Laws of Self-Confidence you’ll learn to:


Positive Energy Returned

I felt alive again! My natural ability to attract positive energy returned. I received more business and more career opportunities and the relationships in my life began to turn for the better. My spirit was calmer, I could focus better and had more clarity. S.G.

Workplace Success

I have successfully reached points in my confidence that I didn’t think were possible through coaching. This has led me to have a huge impact in my workplace in ways I couldn’t have imagined! Z.C.

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The process of transformation begins in the theater of your mind, where immersive guided meditations begin their profound impact. They penetrate your conscious and cognitive mind, delving deeply into your subconscious thought process. This profound journey ignites a powerful surge of self-confidence that emanates from the inside, eventually reflecting on the outside.


During the workshop you will be guided to make meaningful commitments to yourself. Holding yourself responsible and accountable to those commitments is fundamental to your success. Through weekly automated calls and text messages, you will be pushed and nudged to stay on track and honor the promises you made to yourself. These regular check-ins will serve as powerful motivators, urging you to take action and make consistent progress on your self-confidence journey.

A Research-Driven Workshop to Ignite & Sustain Self-Confidence

  • More than 200 clients and over 1000 coaching hours support this research
  • Ongoing research includes interviews with clients, mental health professionals, educators, and business leaders
  • Data from surveys and market research influence the curriculum
  • Continuous examination of academic and scientific publications written by Psychologists, Social Workers, and Social Scientists

I’m Ready, Sign Me Up Now!

Join Now For Only $97


Pay with our easy payment plan with 2 payments of $48.50 each

Saturday, October 28th,

8:30am to 10:00am

Questions people often ask...

We believe you will love what you learn, but if not, contact us within 3 days and a Coaching session credit will be issued

This is an interactive online workshop conducted via Zoom, featuring instruction, group participation, presentations, strategies, self-reflection, and downloadable guided meditations for your personal use.

Selected portions of the event may be recorded if participants agree 

The virtual workshop will last approximately 90 minutes

Give Yourself The Gift of Self-Confidence​

  • embark on a journey of self-discovery

  • uncover the roots of self-doubt

  • identify and install the weak links that diminish your self-confidence.
  • The seminar includes a well-structured curriculum with,

    group interaction, presentations, coaching, engaging video lessons, meditations for self-reflection, accountability calls and texts, and interactive worksheets.

    This approach ensures that you have the necessary tools and ongoing support to unleash your self-confidence and achieve your goals and desires.

    Copyright 2023 - Begin Again - All Rights Reserved

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